  • Maria Ratz
    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
  • Maria Ratz
    Success does not come alone, you have to go to it

  • Maria Ratz

    Everyone deserves to be happy and has the potential to achieve the quality of life they want


We are

Maria Ratz

Discover and do the best for yourself!

There are meetings that touch the heart and leave a lasting imprint in the thoughts and intentions of every seeker. Such are the meetings with the monks from the Shaolin Temple in Europe.

Lao Tzu Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is a true power.

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Maria Ratz

Who are we and what do we offer?

We are a team of professionals and partners united in an ecosystem and inspired by the cause - lifelong learning. In partnership, we create a space of trust and shared learning where everyone grows and develops themselves. Together we strive to maintain the Mind-Body-Heart balance in order to achieve personal effectiveness, a sense of meaning, well-being and happiness.

Програмата за Личностно израстване - Приказкотерапия за възрастни предлага поредица от 8 трансформиращи сесии в малка група. Фокусът на това приказно пътешествие е върху опознаване на вашия вътрешен свят и личност, откриване на причините за трудностите и разгръщане на потенциала за осъзната промяна и израстване.
The Emotional Competence Program offers a series of 3 practical sessions focusing on the prevention of emotional and mental health. It is designed for busy modern people and professionals with a dynamic lifestyle.
The Resilience Building Workshop includes 6 practical sessions for personal development. The program is designed for all professionals who seek self-knowledge, mental comfort, resilience and want to mobilize their potential to meet challenges.
Maria Ratz

My professional experience


Successful projects




Guest lecturers


Hours of counseling


We are

Maria Ratz is the founder of Self-Mastery Center, Bulgaria. She has 20+ years of professional and managerial experience in various areas of human resources such as administration, recruitment, training and talent development, career counseling, and internal communication. Maria has been successfully creating and managing the PwC training Academy until 2021 for 8 years. She is a certified trainer, coach, career counselor, specializing in psychological counseling and health psychology.


  • Mobile: +359 887 663 838

  • Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
