“What’s interesting today …” People management – key challenges of today’s business (2022 updates)
Nowadays, as modern people and business professionals, we live in an extremely uncertain, volatile and ambiguous environment. We need to sustain a set of specific abilities in order to deal with this demanding situation and to be resilient and grow. “Being present in the here and now” in order to manage the daily business. Being “curious to understand” how this daily business operates. Being “able to foresee and shape” how your business will look like and innovate it with the mid- and long-term perspective in mind. Last but not least, the focus on managing people or even more -“taking care for the people” in the organisation is still the greatest challenge in front of today’s leaders.
Businesses also change and adapt according to the dynamic global trends – economical requirements, technological booming, geo-political situations, environmental conditions and others. In order to stay tuned and not to “fall overboard”, every people-responsible executive should be aware of the latest trends. Furthermore, he/she should be ready to address these requirements in the organisation and apply a relevant people management action plan.
Using a large number of surveys and research-based highlights, we derived some interesting predictions and significant challenges commonly shared by various thought leaders and business analists:
#Adapting to the post pandemic "new normality" (2022 updates) <> optimising hybrid working environment and communication <> managing people and collaborating remotely <> younger generations "social inability" <> new workforce regulations challenges <> growing need of working with purpose and businesses with meaning <> the mindset of "Net-zero climat impact" <> focus on people's Wellbeing (mental, emotional, physical health) <> the "Work - Life Balance" remains vital determinant for a quality life <> mobility comes to stay <> economic crisis and instability (intensifying inflation and potential looming food crisis).
# Managing talent in the “Gig economy” – changing the locus of “talent development”. Moving it away from the employer’s control (recruiting, identifying and developing talents within the organisation), towards the free-will of the talented people (to come and go) driven by the best offer given.
# Engagement, retention and LOYALTY of the employees remain the number one success factor for the growing organisation
# Generational influences and their impact on the workforce culture. Millennials are starting to dominate in organisational culture (by 2025 they will repesent 75% of the global workforce)
# The new hidden turnover risk – managing the ‘middle of the pack’ employees. Part vs. Full time engagement; combining two jobs is the normal occupancy; businesses with meaning remain attractive employer of choice.
# The new younger leadership mind set – swinging towards more entrepreneurial and less hierarchical style. The new leadership style - "leading people remotly"
# Transparency and TRUST – essential for building meaningful relationships between management and employees.
# Diversity and Inclusion is becoming the new organisational religion